PSYCHOTEST Oldbag You're Oldbag! HAHAHAHAHAHAH!! You are ridiculous, annoying, and never stop talking. Every star you like seems to die. You have a major crush on Edgeworth, but he hates you. You are "the wicked witch of the witness stand". You are old, and ugly. You always want something out of it, and you love sweets.
Miles Edgeworth/Franziska von Karma You are cold, ruthless, and seeking revenge. You think of yourself as 'superior' to everybody else. You are very emotional but manage to keep it to yourself. Fool!
Larry Butz You are Larry Butz. You're the opposite of cool, calm, and collected. You prove to be inevitably useless and tend to flirt with every girl you meet, most specifically Maya. You look up to Phoenix and Edgeworth as they are your best friends. You are a clueless individual who can never seem to have luck in the dating department.
Aaaaaw ich war heute im Zoo und dort gab es SOSOSOSOSOSO süße Hühner!!! Und Vögel! KAWAIIIIIIIII! Ich bin schon ganz müde von dem ganzen "Maaaiii" >____<